Digital Marketing Expert

Randhir Thunukle

I have 10+ years of experience as Digital Marketing Manager serving in Search Engine Optimization industry. Given below is the overview of my skill sets:
Google Analytics Acedemy, Google Analytics Individual Qualification certified
On-page Optimization : Title, meta description, alt tag, keyword research, schema setup
Off-page Optimization : Content Marketing (Blog Post, Press Release, Article), Social Bookmark, Document sharing, Product Listing, Coupons & Offers, Image/Infograph sharing
Affiliate Marketing : Recruiting affiliates, Commission management, Product Datafeed, Creative distribution
SEM : Google Ads, Meta Ads (Facebook & Instagram), Truecaller, Bing
SMM : Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest Marketing(Organic & Paid Advertisment)
Email Marketing : Creating campaigns, scheduling newsletters, contacts management(ConstantContact, Kalviyo, MailChimp)
Tools : MOZ, SEM Rush, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster, Keyword Planner, Google Ads, Ahref

Sigplex Solutions

Digital Marketing Manager

TIU Consulting

Sr. SEO Analyst

Cryptex Technologies

SEO Manager

Digital Web Solutions

Team Lead

Know More About Your Digital Marketing Expert

If you’re looking for an experienced Digital Marketing Manager with a wealth of knowledge in Search Engine Optimization, look no further! With over 10 years of experience in the industry, I have a deep understanding of what it takes to drive traffic and increase conversions through strategic optimization.

My skill set is extensive, including certification from Google Analytics Academy and a Google Analytics Individual Qualification. I excel at on-page optimization, including keyword research, title and meta description creation, alt tag optimization, and schema setup. I’m also highly skilled in off-page optimization, utilizing a range of tactics such as content marketing (blog posts, press releases, articles), social bookmarking, document sharing, product listing, coupons and offers, and image/infographic sharing.

Additionally, I have experience in affiliate marketing, including recruiting affiliates, managing commissions, creating product data feeds, and distributing creative content. My expertise in SEM (search engine marketing) includes text ads, display ads, rich media ads, shopping ads, and Google Merchant’s Center setup. In SMM (social media marketing), I’m highly skilled in Facebook and Pinterest marketing, both organic and paid advertising. Finally, my proficiency in email marketing includes creating campaigns, scheduling newsletters, and managing contacts with tools such as ConstantContact and Kalviyo.

To accomplish all of this, I rely on top industry tools such as MOZ, SEM Rush, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster, Keyword Planner, Google Ads, and Ahref. With my broad range of skills and expertise, I’m confident I can help your business succeed in the highly competitive online space.
In addition to my extensive knowledge of organic search optimization, I also have a wealth of experience in paid advertising, specifically using Google Ads and meta(Facebook & Instagram) ads. Over the course of my 10+ years in the industry, I have successfully managed campaigns with budgets of 1 crore yearly, generating impressive ROIs of 50 times for my clients.

When it comes to Google Ads, I have a deep understanding of the platform’s various ad formats, including text ads, display ads, and shopping ads. I can create and manage highly targeted campaigns, utilizing strategies such as keyword research, ad group segmentation, and A/B testing to optimize ad performance and drive conversions. I’m also highly skilled in analyzing ad performance metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per click, using this data to continually refine and improve campaign results.

In addition, I have experience with meta ads, which are highly effective in capturing user attention and driving clicks through eye-catching visuals and compelling calls-to-action. I can create meta ads that are optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement across all platforms.

Overall, my experience in paid advertising has taught me the importance of strategic planning, targeting, and optimization in achieving successful campaign results. With my proven track record of generating high ROIs for clients, I am confident in my ability to help your business achieve its advertising goals and drive growth. If you’re interested in working with me, please feel free to contact me.